
We are committed to conducting our business in an ethical, honest and legal manner and to the highest of standards. We expect all our employees, contractors and business partners to meet these high standards at all times. Our whistleblowing system is one of the processes to ensure this happens.

What is Whistleblowing?

Whistleblowing is the disclosure of information which relates to suspected wrongdoing or dangers at work.  This may include:

  • the commission of a criminal offence;
  • a miscarriage of justice;
  • danger to health and safety;
  • damage to the environment;
  • conduct likely to damage the company’s reputation;
  • unauthorised disclosure of confidential information;
  • financial fraud or mismanagement;
  • bribery and/or corruption;
  • modern slavery;
  • other workplace specific concerns;
  • failure to comply with a legal obligation; and
  • the deliberate concealment of any of the above.

Who Can Whistleblow?

Employees can blow the whistle if they become aware of an instance where the high standards of our business practices are breached. The company encourages all employees to raise any concerns they may have about the conduct of others in the business or, the way in which the business is run which is not in accordance with public interest or the company’s high standards.  Our Whistleblowing policy sets out the way in which employees may raise any concerns they may have and how those concerns will be dealt with. We always want to be informed, so that appropriate action may be taken.  However, the policy should not be used for complaints relating to an individual’s own personal circumstances, for example, a grievance, in which case the individual should use the company’s grievance procedure.

As part of the CKHH group we are also committed to receiving reports of suspected impropriety, misconduct or malpractice within our operations from third parties.

How To Whistleblow


Employees can raise a whistleblowing concern without fear of reprisal in the following ways:

  • direct with their line manager;
  • if more serious, or it is felt that the line manager had not addressed the individual’s concerns, or the individual would prefer not to raise it with their line manager, they can contact a member of the Executive Committee; and
  • call the “Speak Up” line on 01394 604422 or internally 4422 and leave a message on the automated service. Messages will be passed to the relevant member of the Executive Committee.

Third Parties

For third parties outside our group, such reports should be sent to [email protected] our Group Corporate Compliance Department without fear of reprisal.

What Happens Next?

It is hoped that all employees will feel able to voice any whistleblowing concerns openly.  However, if an individual wishes to raise concerns on a confidential basis every effort will be made to keep their identity secret.  Our organisation does not encourage employees to make anonymous allegations of wrongdoing, as proper investigation may be difficult or impossible, if further information cannot be obtained.

All bona fide disclosures reported will be investigated thoroughly, and action taken to address the matter or matters raised. The Whistleblower will be contacted as soon as practicable upon receipt of the report, and advised whether or not the matter will be investigated. If practicable, an estimated timeline will be given, and advised of any remedial or legal action is to be taken.